Friday, June 12, 2015


What is Raahgiri...Everyone has their own defination of this word but for me it's like Fun at every turn.
Raahgiri started in Gurgaon and then shaped up in Delhi and gradually started in more metropolitin cities.

Now a question arise here ...why we go to Raahgiri.?
Ok, now we may have many answers ...few of them are for taking selfie and to update on social sites :P
Showing ur world that you are so strong to wake up early in the Sunday morning.

Free Zumba Exercise

Enjoy Musical Bands

Enjoying your hobbies  like photography, playing instruments, showcase your special skill or abilities.

If we are doing any of these mentioned above, trusts me we are doing something good for us. atleast there is a morning when we can live our life the way we like. There is no harm to play  free play music in mob or Photography in public unless we have no wrong intention.

I have seen all age group people in Raahgiri and trust me all have different mindset for Raahgiri.

Ok, Raahgiri is well famous for teenagers...I found many so cool n calm and they keep their kaam se kaam. and many of teens believe in to seek attention of crowd so they focus on wierd acts like racing bikes , whistling , hooting, .... this is the way how they make them proud
Raahgiri is a place where you can live a fresh morning of your life ... dance, play, cycling, hobbies, music, singing, exercise and lots of stuff which make you and others feel good.

Thank You for you taking a minute out for reading my blog on Raahgiri.

Visit and Join my photography page for Raahgiri Photographs.
 Rj Photography Club

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